Changing Gear


Series 2 of our JobOppo Podcast hosted by Dominic O’Sullivan Community Manager, shines a light on the ‘Changing Gear’ from the Military into a second career. 

We shine a light on the sectors that work best for our Service Leavers and Veteran Community.

Changing Gear speaks to Employers, Sector Champions and Partners to provide insight, information and OppOs who share personal experience to help you find THE job, not just a job.

Our JobOppo Community is available via the JobOppo House App, to anyone who has served or is serving.
You can access from the Apple or Google store, just download and register. 

It’s not just about finding a job, it is also a Community that wants to send the elevator back down the for the next person.

JobOppo wants to change the narrative around Veteran employment. Valuable not vulnerable.

Changing Gear with Career Coach, Fiona Jackson

Learn about a new initiative targeting recruitment from the Military Community to train as in Allied Health Professions

Understand the difference between 'Coaching' and 'Mentoring' and why working with a coach will help ...

Joined by Emma Colgan-Blair, Programme Coordinator at Social Bites, A Movement to End Homelessness

Joined by Ben Robb, Army Veteran and Director for ForcesHorizon

After a career in the Sappers, Alex Howard is now CEO of Field Gun Sport Ltd, bringing the Field Gun Event to the Profes...

We have highlighted various sectors in our Changing Gear Podcast series and Facilities Management is one that we have fe...

Series 2 of our JobOppO Podcast kicks off with a deeper dive into the Energy and Resources Sector with our Sector Champi...

The JobOppo Changing Gear podcast talks with Penny Connorton about opening the ‘gate’ for Veterans and Service Leavers t...

We discuss the FM Sector and the compatibility for Service Leavers in the roles and opportunities available with Louisa...

We talk to Peter Boase about taking an opportunity overseas and the challenge of returning to the UK Construction Sector...

Richard Charles from AGCO Corporation discusses the opportunities for Service Leavers to enter the Mechanical Manufactur...

Jim Jones, Inspector Manchester Airport Section & Tactical Lead for the Armed Forces Covenant with Greater Manchester Po...

Garrath Williams Director of Veteran Engagement and Development outlines the Leeds Networking and Employment event on 3r...

Kieron Honeyman discusses opportunities for Service Leavers and Veterans in the Construction, Extraction and Recycling s...